Osteoarchaeology Training for 14-25 year olds

The Council for British Archaeology is partnering with English Heritage and The Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past  (SSCIP) to deliver a free event, tailored for 14-25 year-olds. The half-day training session will provide the opportunity to learn about the children who lived in medieval Barton, through an examination of their skeletal remains, excavated from the environs of St Peter’s […]

A summary of the 11th annual conference of the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past at the Museum of Natural History in Vienna

The 11th annual conference of the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past was held from the 22nd – 24th September 2018 at the Museum of Natural History in Vienna, Austria. This awe-inspiring museum is world renowned for its collections and is home to the Venus of Willendorf. The theme of this year’s […]

Roman childhood: a date for your diary

Growing up in the Roman Empire: A multidisciplinary approach to Roman childhood An evening event held in the beautiful World Heritage site of Durham Castle. Two talks by leading experts in Roman childhood bring together a wide range of archaeological, skeletal and historical evidence for understanding the experience, perceptions and care of children in the […]