Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past Biannual Lecture, May 2021 – Now available online!

On the 18th May 2021, SSCIP hosted its first online biannual lecture. Our first guest speaker was Creighton Avery (McMaster University) with their talk ‘Gendered Childhood Diets: An Analysis of Dietary Stable Isotopes in Tooth Dentine in Roman Gaul

A link to the presentation can now be found here, and please consider subscribing to our new YouTube channel to keep up to date with future content.

A report on the event by Dr Ellen Kendall is also available here.

For more information on Creighton’s research, please see –
Web page:
Twitter: @LCreightonAvery

We are currently in the process of organising our next online lecture, scheduled for later this year, and will keep you updated.