There is still time to register for the second SSCIP biannual lecture for 2021! This event will be held online on the 3rd November, 3-4pm (GMT) and is free to attend.
Our guest speaker is Katie Woodhouse-Skinner (Loughborough University) who will be giving a talk on her doctoral research –
Adolescents in the Archive: Recovering Female Adolescence in the Writing of Young Women between 1660-1785
Katie Woodhouse-Skinner is a third-year doctoral researcher working on representations of female adolescence in the mid-to-and upper echelons of English society period between 1660-1785. Her work compares accounts of female youth in medical texts, conduct literature, and adolescent ego-documents from this period, considering differences between representations of the socio-cultural construct of female adolescence and recorded adolescent experience. Her research aims to showcase a body of adolescent writers aged between twelve and twenty-four that have often been overlooked in social, intellectual, and literary histories of this period, shedding light on an important but understudied aspect of the early female life cycle. Far from being passive receptacles of information derived from medical and conduct literature, girls were active interpreters and actors in shaping their inner lives as well as their social, intellectual, and religious worlds. In this paper, Katie Woodhouse-Skinner describes her search for female adolescent writers in archive collections of seventeenth and eighteenth century England. Drawing on extensive archival work undertaken over the last four years, she maps out a substantial body of work written by girls aged 12-24 between 1660 and 1785.
You can register here!
Please note the talk will be given through Teams, follow the link given for Teams after registration.